The island's surface is alive with secondary volcanic activity consisting in hot water vapour outflows. The most important of these phenomena is the Favara Grande, on the sides of the Montagna Grande. It is reached by following a naturalistic route immersed in the Mediterranean maquis. Other places where this phenomenon may be observed are Kuddia Mida, the Grotta del Freddo in Bukkuram, and the natural sauna of Benikulà.
Loves of every aspect of nature are free to reach any of these regeneratig places as a perfect conclusion of a day of sea and sport.
A total holiday is possible all year round on the island. Swimming is possible outdoors even in the winter in to the hot - 50°C - thermal water pools of Gadir, in Sataria's Cave, in the harbour of Scauri, In Nikà and in the Specchio di Venere Lake.
The latter is found in the northern area of the inland. It is supplied by rainwater and thermal hot water springs. Bathing is allowed in this natural beauty farm of greenish black mud baths. The mud is rich with therapeutic thermofphilic algae and sulphur deposits and is used to cure the skin.